Here’s what our schools we have partnered with and alumni say about our Reunion Books:
The hallmark of Margie’s reunion momentum generation work for Boston College Law School alumni was creating a beautifully designed reunion yearbook. She put out calls for submissions and got alumni to take action and be part of the book, quite a feat indeed. Margie is a hard worker, very organized, incredibly responsive day and evening, and handled delicate situations very professionally. She is a pleasure to work with.
– Ann Carey Kephart
Former Associate Director, Reunions & Classes at Boston College Law School and current Assistant Director, Faculty Engagement & Events, Alumni Relations Harvard Business School
Cambridge, MA
We engaged Reunions Reinvented to help us change our participation level as well as class giving total. The results were astounding! The participation rate shot through the roof and hit an all-time high for the Law School…. Margie created and implemented an engaging marketing campaign to solicit alumni profiles and photos for a class reunion book. As a result of Margie’s efforts, we received record-setting submissions and contact information. The class book was tremendously well received by our alumni. Margie is talented, creative, and hard-working and always had the Law School’s best interest in mind.
– Cristine More, CFRE
Former Director of Advancement
Boston University School of Law
Boston, MA
What a great time everyone had at the reunion! The alumni were impressed by your work, and absolutely loved the class book. You could not have worked harder to ensure a solid turnout”¦. It was indeed a job well done… Thanks again for all that you did to engage TU Law’s Class of ’89. It was a success in our book.
– Heather Palacios Rahal
Former Director of External Relations
The University of Tulsa College of Law
What an amazing job you have done with the Reunion Book. It really is a special memento of a significant milestone in all of our lives. Thank you so much for taking such care with the project.
– Renée Landers, Esq. Boston, MA
I second Renee’s message and thank you so much for the Reunion Book. All great stuff for this exile in London who cannot make the Reunion.
– David Curtin, Esq., London, England
Margie did a wonderful job [for our 35th Reunion] with the newsletters and social media marketing and then produced a beautiful class book that was the talk of our Saturday night event”¦. I can honestly say that this was our best reunion ever and will hopefully provide a platform for a stronger relationship between our classmates and the Law School in the years to come.
– Michael Aylward, Esq., Boston, MA
The Class Book is an outstanding product. It is essentially your creation:
- You invited and motivated committee members and class members to contribute biographies, photos, commentary, memories, and memorials to its composition. That initiative caused the participation of classmates planning to attend and even some unable to attend but determined to contribute information to the Book.
- The Book’s inclusion of memorial accounts of deceased classmates was a particularly appreciated feature, both for the classmates writing them and for the families of the deceased grateful for the remembrances.
- The Book now serves as a tangible record of the reunion and as a link among classmates curious about each other’s careers and inclined to renew old friendships.
- The Book functions also as an advertisement for the school.
- Your communications, always positive and upbeat, answered questions, diplomatically nudged contributors toward timely submissions, and then improved the Book with editing, biographies of faculty and staff, era-based events and news, and period photos.
- In particular, you were working on photos and background text to flesh out the Book right up until deadline. Your diligence was constant. You kept everyone –committee members, attendees, and even non-attendees – informed and involved.
– Hon. Mitchell J. Sikora, Jr., Boston, MA
The reunion book was a great success. Many alumni said to me that they wish they had contributed after seeing it.
– Carolyn d’Agincourt, Cambridge, MA
Thank YOU for everything you did to make our reunion a success! The class book and the email communications you prepared were a big plus. I heard from many people that they wish they’d submitted a profile for the book. It definitely generated a lot of positive, fun buzz.
– Sue Farina, Esq., Sudbury, MA
Thank you for all of your hard work. Everyone had a wonderful time. People were already talking about next reunion! My classmates in particular really loved the Reunion book, so thank you so much for making it happen. I heard again and again how much people liked it.
– Katherine Pieroni, Esq., Maplewood, NJ
To learn more about our Reunion Class Books, contact Margie at Reunions Reinvented.