50th Reunion Profile Form

Be Part of the 1975 Yearbook for Our 50th Reunion!

Participating in our class book is a wonderful way to reconnect, share memories, and stay connected after our reunion. If you have any questions about how to complete this profile form or submit photos, please contact Margie Palladino at Trinity50th@ReunionsReinvented.com.

To submit your memories of deceased classmates, please send an email or Word document (no pdfs) to Trinity50th@ReunionsReinvented.com by January 31st. You are welcome to submit your reflections even if you lost touch with them after graduation. There is no word limit—even a few sentences are appreciated, and you may attach photos too. 

Deadline for submission of your profile form: January 15, 2025

Trinity College 50th Reunion Book Profile Form

(Please note: you can scroll back and forth to view all sections and any fields you have filled out and saved by using the Previous or Next buttons at the bottom of each page.)