Let’s Get the Party Started: The hows and whys of hosting a committee kick-off luncheon
What do you do after your core class reunion committee is in place?
You have a PARTY!
After all, isn’t that what reunions are all about– reuniting and reconnecting? Many of your committee members have not seen or spoken to each other for several years. A COMMITTEE KICK-OFF LUNCHEON is the perfect opportunity to come together to reconnect, socialize, and discuss the big picture strategy. The added bonus is that you get to meet your committee members in-person (if you haven’t already).
Of course not all your committee members will be able to make it because of scheduling or geographic challenges. But, if you’ve built a big committee, there should be a number of committee members who live and work within the environs of the law school; if not, then host the luncheon in a locale where there is a core group of committee members.
Who do you invite to the Kick-off Luncheon and why?
Here’s a hint: you want to be as inclusive as possible (remember, inclusion is your mantra), so that’s right–you invite ALL the class members to the luncheon. Of course, very few class members other than the committee will actually attend, but the fact that you are reaching out to everyone in the class shows that your school wants each of them to be part of the reunion. Inviting the entire class may result in the addition of a few more committee members too. Even if no one other than the committee members attend, you have spread the word that there is a reunion on the horizon, which generates reunion momentum!
In addition to the committee and class members, invite a key colleague from your advancement team. It’s never too early to start talking about the class reunion gift if fundraising is a reunion goal.
Also, consider inviting one or more of the class’s favorite professors. Alumni love reuniting with old professors and it is a terrific way for class members to remember their time at the school, to learn about what is happening at the school, and to understand how the school depends upon a vibrant alumni community for support and growth.
Enjoy your party!